The WICT New England Chapter held their opening event on Feb. 14 at the Public House in Sturbridge, MA. The kickoff event focused on “Executive Presence: Developing Your Inner Leader.”
The morning started with a delicious breakfast and a chance for new and former members to connect. New Chapter President, Donna Capone, welcomed the group. She reminded everyone that the theme for 2018 was “The Year of You” with the focus on helping members realize their full potential as leaders in the industry.
Next Judith Rudge, Director of Talent at Comcast, helped energize the crowd with a fun guessing game to help you get to know others at your table.
Lori LeBas, SVP of Affiliate Partnership Development & Operations at ESPN, and Doreen Studley, VP of Non-Customer Acquisition at Cox shared their own experiences to help define what executive presence looks like at various levels. They provided takeaways and action steps for those looking to grow in this area. They emphasized some “P’s” to consider, stressing the importance of preparation, politics, perspective, personality, poise, pace, precision, power, and persistence.
The day ended with a question and answer session. Everyone walked away inspired, fearless and ready to move forward with a strong executive presence.