Millennials are the next wave of employees in the workforce and a group with massive buying power. Learn how to connect with this group through social media. Understand how to sell and market to millennials through the power of social media. And finally let’s interpret the data to help build strategies around targeting the millennial group.


Amanda Anderson, Social Media Manager, ESPN

Amanda Anderson is a social media manager in ESPN’s digital department. She oversees day-to-day production of ESPN’s Snapchat Discover edition, which assembles ESPN’s top sports content each day with a focus on curating and delivering content to a 13-24 demographic of fans. The Snapchat team collaborates with ESPN’s social media team and sports editorial groups to create multiplatform content that ends up not only on ESPN’s Snapchat, but also on ESPN.com as well as on its other social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. She previously was an Associate Producer in television production on SportsCenter.

Kaitee Daley Director of Social Media, ESPN

Kaitee Daley joined ESPN in 2009 and has been at the forefront of the company’s growing social media footprint. Originally working as a talent ghost-writer and editor, she teamed up with SportsCenter to reboot and grow the show’s social accounts with a focus on fan engagement and show integration. To help solidify the connection between social and ESPN’s revenue, Daley joined the business development division working as a partner liaison for Twitter and Facebook. In the spring of 2015, Daley transitioned back to her digital roots to oversee a group focused on viral content creation and distribution. Today, she leads a team of talented ESPN social media editors who program ESPN’s Snapchat Discover channel, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.



Coddled, selfish, no work ethic – that is the perception of 75 million millennials now in our workforce (per US Census Data). ESPN’s Amanda Anderson and Kaitee Daley took us through the power of understanding the mindset of this generation and introduced the coolest, most up to date communication tools and marketing techniques that embrace and harness the mindset and capabilities of this critical consumer and employee base.

“Millennials aren’t a new species, they’re just mutated to adapt to their environment”

Joel Stein TIME

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If you have any further questions on the webinar, please email Amanda or Kaitee directly: [email protected] or [email protected]

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